Quick Start For Raspberry PI Series

Step1, Modify config.txt

  • sudo nano /boot/config.txt

    • For the latest version raspberry Pi OS, it should be

  • sudo nano /boot/firmware/config.txt

Step2, Add below content to the last line

  • dtoverlay=imx219

Step3, Reboot and use below command to preview

  • libcamera-hello -t 0

More information

Quick Start for Nvidia Series

Step 1: Open the terminal and execute the following

  • sudo /opt/nvidia/jetson-io/jetson-io.py

Step 2: Select Configure Jetson Nano CSI Connector

Step 3: Select Configure for compatible hardware

Step 4: Select the camera that you want to use

  • Camera IMX219 DUAL

Step 5: Select Save pin changes

Step 6: Select Save and reboot to reconfigure pins

Step 7: Press any key on the keyboard and the device will reboot with the applied camera configuration

For CAM0 port

  • nvgstcapture-1.0 sensor-id=0

Last updated